Trusts between two Samba-Domains

During my tutorial of this years SambaXP I used a set up of different Linux-Hosts for all participants. For the tutorial I needed two domaincontroller one dns-proxy and one Linux-client. To make the setup easy I used Vagrant to deploy the virtual machines with VirtualBox. So I installed VirtualBox and the newest version of Vagrant on all the notebooks and created a install.bash script to do the setup. I also wrote a Vagrantfile for the provisioning of all the machines. You can find the script an alle the needed data here. Just download the file unpack it and you will find another archiv an the install.bash script. Copy both into a new directory and start the install.bash script. The files from the archiv will then copied into a directory „sambaxp“, there you’ll find the Vagrantfile for all machines. Starting the machines with „vagrant up“ all the provisioning ist taking place. After a few minutes all the systems are running. Now you can play with the trusts. You will find the handout for my tuotorial here.

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