Tutorial SambaXP 2020

This year everything was different, due to corona the SambaXP was planned as a online conference. Also my tutorial on the first day of the conference was an online-event. So I had to find a way for my participants to set up the virtual machines to follow my tutorial. So I created a Vagrant-box and a install-script to setup one Samba4 Domaincontroller two Linux-machines for the cluster and one Linux-client. So everyone could set up the machines before the tutorial starts. Here you find all files to setup the environment. The vm are Debian 10 with kernel 5.4, Samba 4.12 from Louis van Belle and GlusterFS 7.x. You will also find the handout in English in the file.

Die Videos zu meinem Tutorial können auf der Seite sambaxp.org heruntergeladen werden

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